Farmer Gecko

Today I cleaned out Speedy’s house and put new sand in for him. I found that he did not eat the mealworms I put in and they just escaped from the food bowl. They had turned into adult beetles and the old sand was full of baby mealworms! Speedy had a farm of crickets before as they were to fast for him to catch and kept breeding. My gecko is a farmer.

blood clots

Today I make pretend blood clots with my slime chemistry kit. They are yuck.

Making pretend blood clots


Dr Bunny

Mummy did giving blood today and she got a special badge for doing it 10 times now. My cuddly bunny who is called Lovely got a doctors outfit for Christmas and Mummy let her wear the badge on her white coat. I am going to be a blood donor when I am 18. and I will try and get more badges than Mummy as I will start when I am younger.


slime experiments day 2

Today I was making pretend blood and blood clots with my slime science kit.  Got all the preparation done but not made the blood yet.  Did the first 170 dots of the 710 dots on the first extreme dot-to-dot…until my hand hurt!

Went outside to slide on the ice.


stinky stilton

Made stinky Stilton puff pastry parcels which the grown ups liked but not me. I had cheddar or jam in mine but didn’t eat them either because I was stuffed full of raw puff pastry and uncooked cheese.


slime science!

Granny Sally and Grandad Bob gave me a slime science kit for Christmas. I made pink fart putty today. It was great. I get to wear goggles and a face mask and Mummy thought I looked cool especially in my party dress!

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Cooking Brownies with Stinky

I love cooking with Stinky safely tucked under my arm.


Gingerbread house

Made a gingerbread house and ate loads of icing and sweeties while I was doing it, yum!


The bin is the place to be

Mummy thinks it is funny that even though I am 6 now I still like the boxes best. This big box is the bin for all the wrapping paper and it is very comfy thank you.


Christmas Day!!!!!

The milk and mince pie are gone and there are teeth marks on what is left of the carrot! My stocking is so full! I have woken up everyone and we are about to open stuff. Ferdy got some squishy cat food and is busy eating it.
