roller skates

I decided to buy some roller skates with some of the money I have saved up. They are very cool.


David Attenborough is awesome

Today I watched a program that David Attenborough made. He gets to stay at the Natural History museum at night and some of the cool fossils come to life. It was awesome. I wrote a letter to David Attenborough and I want him to be my pen friend so we can talk about fossils.


Very tired

I loved the sleepover but I am now very tired because Ava, Elizabeth and I stayed up really late. Mummy says I have a sleepover hangover.  I am staying in my pyjamas and playing games on the sofa.


Ready for my first sleepover!


I am looking forward to my first sleepover at Elizabeth’s house! I am ready in my rabbit onesie and Lovely bunny is in her Ladybird onesie. Stinky is in my sleepover bag. We are going to have a midnight feast!

upside down cornet

I have found that it is good fun playing the cornet upside down!


more meccano

Did some Meccano after my swimming lesson. I built a motorized chairs in the air ride for my Polly Pockets.



Went to see Robin Hood Pantomime in Oxford with Mummy Emma and Grandad Dennis.

It was awesome.  There was lots of splashing water at the beginning so as we were very near the front we were given waterproof tops!

waterproof top at the panto


Went to the Ashmolean today with Mummy and Grandad Dennis. I learned to play shove half-penny with Grandad Dennis.

playing shove-halfpenny

Speedy stories

We are learning about Julia Donaldson at school so I decided to read Speedy some of her books in my bed.  You can just see him peeking out from under my spotty quilt.

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He was then a bit cheeky and climbed all over my Marmite sandwich!


Look at my blue tongue!

Mummy got me some blue raspberry slush syrup for my slushie drink maker. It made my tongue go really blue!

blue tongue