blood clots

Today I make pretend blood clots with my slime chemistry kit. They are yuck.

Making pretend blood clots


slime experiments day 2

Today I was making pretend blood and blood clots with my slime science kit.  Got all the preparation done but not made the blood yet.  Did the first 170 dots of the 710 dots on the first extreme dot-to-dot…until my hand hurt!

Went outside to slide on the ice.


slime science!

Granny Sally and Grandad Bob gave me a slime science kit for Christmas. I made pink fart putty today. It was great. I get to wear goggles and a face mask and Mummy thought I looked cool especially in my party dress!

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Chemistry Set!

Chemistry experiments dec 2013 DSC05167

I got the first part of a chemistry set in my advent calendar. First experiments are learning about soluble and insoluble things. I record my findings in my chemistry notebook. It is brilliant!