
This is one of my peacock butterfly caterpillars and his name is Bob.


Speedy camouflaged on Pooh

Today I tried putting glitter on my lips and while I was doing it I was letting Speedy run about in my bed.  Look at this picture, it is funny because Speedy is all camouflaged on Pooh’s tummy!


sports camp

Today I got to go on a girls only sports camp at the Iffley Road track in Oxford.  This is the running track where Roger Bannister ran the first less than 4 minute mile.

I went with my friends on a coach from Deddington.  It was a brilliant fun day but I was very tired afterwards. We got to be on TV and best of all we met Victoria Pendleton and she was really funny.  We got to ask her questions. She organised the camp for girls to learn about all sorts of sports.  I liked playing dodge ball best. It was really supposed to be for girls aged 8 to 14 but because I am so nearly 8 I was still allowed to go thankfully!

In this photo I am near the middle of the picture and at the back with my hand up as high as it will go to ask my question to Victoria Pendleton.  I am wearing my light purple London 2012 t shirt and my multicoloured hair band.



baby black bird!

We just found a baby black bird in our dining room hiding behind the curtains! All afternoon I have been hearing a funny sqwarking noise and we finally worked out what it was.  Mummy caught it in a pot and I released it outside. I don’t know where it’s nest is but I hope it will be OK. It was quite bit and looked nearly fully grown but I don’t know if it can fly.

Rainbow Run!

Today I went to do the Rainbow Run with my friend.  It was to raise money for a hospice that looks after ill children but best of all we were going to get paint thrown at us!

Before we started we listened to this cool band and they had loads of different saxophones and wore funny clothes.


DSC02001We did a group zumba warm up. Mummy was a bit hopeless at it but I was really good.

We started the race with a bright white t shirt.


This is me about to go through the blue paint station.  There were 4 different colours to run through.  The race was 3K but I would have liked it to be longer as it was really fun.  I could see the clouds of paint in the distance and it was fun to run towards the paint.

DSC02017At the end I got mint choc chip ice cream!



The only way to chop onions

This is the best way to chop up onions.DSC01998Otherwise they hurt my eyes.

I made a mince beef and vegetable pie with my friend.  We did weaving pastry top and stamped Eat Me on it too.  It was yummy and I ate loads of it.

I am bendy

Today the doctor diagnosed my as having Hypermobility syndrome.  This means the ligaments that hold my bones together are too flexible.  This means I am super bendy but it also means that my body has to work really hard to keep me straight and so I get very achy and painful all the time. This is why my legs ache lots and this week has been making my knees and hips lots ache too.  It makes it hard for me to stand up and stand still and it makes me clumsy and have accidents.

I am happy that I know what is wrong with me now and why I find running painful. The doctor says I need to do stretching, yoga and other exercises to make me stronger and my ligaments stronger so it hurts less but cannot make it go away. Mummy is sad I will be in pain all the time but I am tough!

Mummy found on the internet that this is why writing hurts my hands so much too and she is getting wider pencils to help it not hurt me so much. I am hoping this works because I don’t like writing at all.

my cat is chilling on the window ledge


baby violin

Mummy got me a baby violin.  It is really called a half size violin.  She has been teaching me for a week and today we played a duet together!  It has a cool red case to keep is safe.  It is good because it uses the same written music notes I already know so I just have to learn where they are on the violin with my fingers.


fun in the sunshine

Today was really sunny.  My friend came round to play and we played on the water slide and had bucket baths too!

Fast slide


Faster slide!


Bucket bath with bubbles
