first flute lesson!

After school I had my first flute lesson. My new teacher is lovely and funny. She let me try her flute that was made of silver! It was so shiney. It was hard to make a sound but I did it in the end and played B too.

She lent me a fife which is like a sideways recorder that you blow like a flute. I am practicing on that until hopefully I get a real flute for christmas. I have my fingers crossed lots.

She also has a lovely dog that I really like.

I had such fun that I was a little late to Rainbows. We did sleepover for an hour and pretended to sleep in our pyjamas and sleeping bags. We had hot chocolate and marshmellow and played sleeping lions which I won again this year. I think I am the master at sleeping lions. Mummy said she always won it as brownies too. We both have a good way not to laugh even when tickled.

huge box!

Today we got a huge box. I wrote Amelia’s Crate on it and played inside it. I pretended that I was being send in my crate to England from another country and I had come to my new home with Mummy.



little box

Today I got this little box. I think Ferdy will love it so I tried it out for him but I am too big. I have put a fleece blanket inside it and he will love sleeping inside it all snuggly.


2000m swimming

Today I swam 2000m, that is 80 lengths of the pool. I was very pleased with myself and I enjoyed it lots as I was a fish.

Afterwards Mummy did something odd to my mashed potato. It was like play doh so we made it into a snow man. I did eat it!


funny show

This afternoon I went to see a funny show called Circus Bezerkus. I got to go on stage and do playing bells which I loved doing. There was lots of funny juggling and accidents. In the interval I played Go Fish with my friends which a fun card game.

We got there too early so I played in the park first and Mummy gave me a fierce look when I got all muddy!

Blue day

Today was blue day at school so we all wore blue clothes and not our red uniform. We raised money for anti bullying day. We had to Be Loving and Understanding of Everyone which spells BLUE.

Mummy kindly washed my favourite blue fleece jumper that I got muddy at survival day so I could wear it today again.


survival day!

We had the most awesome day today. It was year 3 and 4 survival day. We spent all day outside and put up tents and made fire. We ate toasted marshmellows and learnt loads of cool survival stuff like iron age people.

I wore Mummy’s thermal leggings a thermal vest and fleece jumper, my warm coat, head band and warm gloves. After school I was roasting in all that warm stuff at choir!



best ever homework

My homework today was the best ever. We had to decide if toothpaste was a liquid or a solid.

I did some experiments. I found toothpaste only flowed if squeezed. Even syrup flowed in my test tube but very slowly. The toothpaste did not move unless squeezed or pushed. So it is not a liquid.


But it is not a solid as it did not keep it’s shape when I pressed it.

I made a paste from talcum powder and water. Toothpaste is a paste or I found the science word was colloid. It is a solid mixed into a liquid but the solid ha not dissolved.


Children singing for children

Today the Deddington school choir went to St Mary’s church in Banbury. It s a cool big church. We met with 7 other school choirs. Each school got to sing 2 songs and then we all sang 3 songs together. We were raising money for a new school to be built in Africa.

We did practising after school and then Mummy took me to Pizza express. Loads of my friends were there too as it is really near to the church. We just had time to eat and finish my icecream pudding and we had to rush back to the church for the show.

I was super excited before going on stage. We sang a hymn and the did a musical theatre dancing and singing the song Naughty from Matilda.  It finished really late and I was very tired and thirst at the end. i found it very hard to get to sleep as I was still so excited.

Stinky learns piano

This morning I have been teaching Stinky how to play the piano.

First he sits on my lap and watches

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Then he plays but I have to help him because his paws are so floppy.

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