
Today I went to the Crocodiles Of The World zoo near Oxford with my friend. It was brilliant fun.

This is a 2 year old American Alligator that I was allowed to stroke. They don’t know if it is male or female yet and it’s name is 291.


We watched 35 young Nile Crocodiles being fed and it was really interesting.  This is a link to the video.

The crocodile zoo is making a new building where they will all live when they are bigger.


There were other animals too like Meerkats and Otters. There was a huge Reticulated Python which I learnt is the worlds longest snake but the Anaconda is heavier.


This sign was funny


And this one was funny too. This is my cuddle crocodile who came with us. He used to be a hot water bottle but now he is just a cuddly toy.


strawberry smoothie

Today I decided to make a strawberry smoothie.  To do this you need a banana, some strawberries and apple juice.


It was very yummy!


Today was an exciting day because it was dress rehearsal day for Joseph and we got to perform the show twice!  I was very nervous but it was brilliant fun and I am very sad it is over now. My costume was a bit baggy and hot but I got a cool beard drawn on my face and it was difficult to wash off!

DSC02517Here are the brothers in costume. Mrs Rumsby did  a pony tail for me and sprayed me with hair spray that Mummy said smelled lovely.


My Grandad the train driver

Today my Grandad Dennis drove a real steam train. I got to go in the carriage which was very old and interesting with Granny, Grandad Bob, Uncle Jon, Aunty Katrin and Mummy. Grandad Dennis wore overalls and a train drivers hat. He said it was difficult to drive the train and hard to stay standing!


This is the train he drove!


This is me being luggage


guinea pigs!

This week I am looking after my friends guinea pigs while she is on holiday. They are so lovely and cuddly and they eat lots!

This is them playing minecraft with me.


And this is them snuggled in my bed with me and eating lots of dandelion leaves.


My first trip to accident and emergency

Today I went  to A&E in Banbury. Last week I trod on a bee and my little toe was stung. I was sad because that means the bee will die. My foot started hurting lots 2 days ago and today it was still red and hot and hurt. Mummy took me to A&E as she thought it was infected with bacteria and I needed medicine to cure it. At A&E I had to wait  along time but luckily I had a new Daisy book to read. I saw an old lady come into hospital in an ambulance.  When I saw the nurse she drew on my foot and gave me a cool sparkly badge for being brave. I made her a loom band bracelet. Mummy took me to the shop to buy medicine and I was allowed to eat crisps on the way home.

DSC02310my foot looks much better in this picture and you can see the pen the nurse drew on me!

Summer Music concert

Today I played in my school summer music concert at the church.  I played my recorder, guitar and sang in the choir. Mummy said it was the best the choir had ever sung. I will be sad their is no choir during the holidays.  It was sad because Rhys will not be our guitar teacher anymore because he is going to be a class teacher now.  I made him a hama bead guitar and my guitar group made him a goodbye card too.

This is me playing recorder. It was the Ning Nang Nong!


Musical Theatre Lion King

Today we did out musical theatre Lion King show for our parents. We got to dress up as lions with tails and leg furry leg warmers. I got to be young Simba in one scene and grown up Nala in another scene. We had lots to learn but we did it well because we practised lots, even at Jemima’s house at the sleepover. I love the songs in the Lion King. Mummy said she was very proud of me because I had two big parts to learn and I had worked really hard. I am definitely doing musical theatre club in year 4!

Year 3 music concert

Today all of year 3 played in a concert so our parents could see what we have been learning on our recorders with Heidi. It was fun to play with my friends and I also played my flute…Annie’s Song!!!

Petri dishes

Today Mummy made me some petri dishes. These are a jelly made from Agar which comes from sea weed. There is also food mixed in which is sugar and gravy. Bacteria and fungi like this food and jelly and they grow into big lumps called colonies so I will be able to see them.

I tried putting my foot on one petri dish and I took swabs by rubbing cotton buds on my bike helmet, computer keyboard, bin lid and the taps. Now I have to wait for the bacteria to grow.
