Today I went  to A&E in Banbury. Last week I trod on a bee and my little toe was stung. I was sad because that means the bee will die. My foot started hurting lots 2 days ago and today it was still red and hot and hurt. Mummy took me to A&E as she thought it was infected with bacteria and I needed medicine to cure it. At A&E I had to wait  along time but luckily I had a new Daisy book to read. I saw an old lady come into hospital in an ambulance.  When I saw the nurse she drew on my foot and gave me a cool sparkly badge for being brave. I made her a loom band bracelet. Mummy took me to the shop to buy medicine and I was allowed to eat crisps on the way home.

DSC02310my foot looks much better in this picture and you can see the pen the nurse drew on me!