Today Mummy took me to the West Midlands Safari park. It was really near to where Grandad Dennis did his train driving.

These birds are loreketes and they are really pushy to get food off you but they are beautiful. Mummy had one shouting loudly down her ear for food and I told it off as there was a sign saying no shouting allowed!  One of them weed on my arm which was gross.

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This is Callum, he is the cutest sealion ever! I loved his show so much I went twice. He did tricks like jumping out of the water and catching hoops but I loved his impression of how a seal moves on the beach the best.  I would love to get to feed him for my birthday next year.


There were loads of fun rides there too and I made a friend names Kane and we went on all the ride together, which is helpful when Mummy is too scared to go on the big rides.

They also have dinosaurs than move and roar alot.  There was a baby velociraptor called Reggie that I liked best.  This is me running away from the huge TRex before it roared again as it was very scary.


It was an awesome place and we saw giraffes, white lions and tigers, zebras, cheetahs, rhinos, hippos, camels, elephants AND A BABY ELEPHANT!!  The safari animals were not too hungry when we went to see then in the evening and I was sad not to get to feed a giraffe but I did feed an ostrich and that was pretty terrifying when it’s head was exploring about inside our car!