planting flowers

I planted some sweet peas and some primulas. They look lovely I cannot wait until there are sweet pea flowers to sniff.  I saw a cheeky sparrow taking flowers from the purple primula for its nest!


giant robot

I made a giant robot costume out of  a huge box. It is quite difficult to walk about wearing it but it is very funny.


Beauty and the Beast

My school did Beauty and the Beast as our school production.  I was a villager and it has been great fun doing the rehearsals and the show.  The lights are really bright when you are on the stage. I loved doing the singing.


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Fox in the kitchen

I made a cake for my friend Eloise this before school this morning wearing my fox onesie. I had to miss her birthday party because I was at the science fair so she is coming to my house after school tomorrow for a mini party. I am going to cover the cake in pink icing and lots of sprinkles after school.



Today I got stuck in the loo at the church. We were at the church doing Beauty and the Beast rehearsal. I thought it was funny I had to be rescued and my teacher told me not to lock the door next time.

Massive gap!

This morning my other top front tooth fell out at school. I have a massive gap now.

In the afternoon one of my bottom teeth fell out too! My teacher had to change the writing on the envelope from “Amelia’s tooth” to be “Amelia’s teeth!”

Here are all my gaps. Mummy keeps asking me to say words that she thinks I will not be able to say properly with big gaps.


I am going to ask the tooth fairy for another How To Train Your Dragon book.

Big Bang Science Fair


Today was the science fair. I went with Jemima and we went on the train. It was at the NEC near Birmingham. Jemima’s Mummy is an engineer and her company had a special room where we could go for food and they had salt and vinegar crisps, yummy!

We put weights on a chocolate bar to see who strong it was. We could put 700g on top of it before it broke

Then we melted the edges of 4 chocolate bars on a bottle of hot water. We stuck the bars together to make a box shape.


Then when it was cool we added weights to the box shaped chocolate we had welded together.

DSC06045We put about 20kg on to it before it broke with a big bang as the weights fell down. Jemima screamed!

The chocolate was much stronger welded together as a box shape!

We got to fly an aeroplane simulator

DSC06057Learn how to protect buildings from flooding (dressed like real engineers!)

DSC06065This is a giant and cuddly E. Coli bacteria

DSC06069I was a plant doctor and learned how to diagnose bacterial, fungal and viral infections in plants and use the cool microscope. I would love a white scientist coat like this!

DSC06070 DSC06072 DSC06073This is blueberry DNA I extracted

DSC06090We generated electricity with an exercise bike and a rowing machine.  Mummy told be she fell off a rowing machine one at the gym but I did not fall off this one.

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We had to balance the guns correctly on the Mary Rose model so it would not sink. Not like the Tudors who sank the real ship.


This ball stayed up by sitting on blow out air. You could make it move by partly covering where the air came out with your hands.DSC06108





I learned about why caterpillar tracks are used on heavy trucks on the sand and gravel beach to launch the lifeboat.  This thing is a Newton meter and it measures how much you have to pull the model truck over the gravel.

DSC06118This is a Lego model of a jet engine!


We used an Infra Red camera to guide us in the dark. I did not like this as I was in the dark while Mummy guided me by looking at the camera pictures from my helmet camera.

DSC06082Then we used colour filters to break the code and defeat Spectra and get a cool ruler and pen as a prize!






My tooth fell out!

My tooth finally fell out.  Mummy does not like the big gap but I love it.


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delaying going to bed

This is me brushing my teeth inside my new bucket.



Ice skating


I went ice skating  with my friends in Oxford. It was Ellie’s birthday party. I fell over lots of times and bumped my bottom lots. I loved it and was much better at it than Mummy. I cannot wait to go again.


Ellie’s birthday cake was a Mummy piggy and it’s baby. Ellie loved the cuddly piggy with golden trotter that I gave her.