My own How To Train Your Dragon Book!

Mummy took me to the book shop to spend my World Book Day token.  I got my own copy of How To Train Your Dragon!

Here it is in the coffee shop with me not getting cheese on it.


Book day prize is awesome

I won 14!!!! books in a box. They are Adventure Island books and are awesome. They are like Famous Five books.

World Book Day

Today was world book day. We got to go to school dressed as a character from a book. I chose to be a Thicket Sprite from Spiderwick.  I made my head dress and wings at the weekend.


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My costume was picked as the winner from the whole school! I loved getting my name said in assembly after a drumroll!  I don’t know what my prize is yet but I will find out tomorrow.  We all got a book token to spend and I am going to use mine to get my own copy of How To Train Your Dragon and I will give the library their copy back.  Mummy said I got blood on it by reading it while fiddling with my wobbly tooth and I hope they are not too cross as I did not mean to.

Ferdy fur

My friend Rose came to play after school. We made up dances to Abba which was great fun. Rose is allergic to Ferdy and her eye went red and she coughed lots. Mummy gave us ice cream that helped her feel better, yummy!


Mummy and I both got bruises today.  Mummy fell over at the petrol station as there was slippy diesel on the floor. She got a bruises elbow and bottom! She got diesel on her coat and trousers and it smelled horrible.
I fell off the climbing wall with a big swing as I was trying to fix another rope but could not do it. I was very cross and sad but will try again next week. I got bruises on my arm and leg but my helmet stopped me hurting my head.

I did some practise on the bouldering wall too.

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Look at my buns!

Mummy made my hair in two buns like Princess Leia!

DSC05970I went for an eye test today but I have nothing wrong with my eyes so I don’t get glasses. I am sad because I really wanted glasses but Mummy said I would only sit on them anyway so it is better this way.


My neighbours are away so I am in charge of the chickens. I like being surrounded by chickens in the morning!
