sports day

Today was sports day at school. This year was the first year I actually liked sports day. I wore a blue t shirt because I am in Snake Hill house and my house won the sports day cup! So now the cup has blue ribbons on it…just like last year! go Snake Hill!!

I like the speed bounce, hurdles and skipping.



Today Mummy and I made the marshmallows kit that I had for my birthday. They needed lots and lots of whisking but look at this!

DSC02158Is that the biggest marshmallow ever!

I did not really bite it. I cut out some shapes.


and tied this one up with sweet laces


scarecrow day

Today was scarecrow day in my village.  I made a scarecrow of Stampy Cat from Minecraft.

Here he is before judging in the rain!


I was really hoping he won a second rosette as I have already got a first, third and special from the last scarecrow days.

And guess what! he got second!! yay!! Now I have got a set of rosettes!

DSC02153It rained all day and my fox onesie is all wet but Stampy did look cool wearing it.

Mummy and I went for a walk to see all the other scarecrows in the village and we played pooh sticks on the new bridge too. Mummy beat me sometimes with a pooh leaf which are not really allowed

I AM 8!!!!!

Today is my birthday! I am 8!!!!

I got Mummy up at 5am and I found these presents ready for me with balloons too. My cat does not like balloons and he hid from them.

DSC02110I opened one before school and it was a blue hand whisk and some things to whisk with it. It is epic.

Granny Sally and Grandad Bob came to visit after school and Granny had made me this cool cake with a flute and recorder on it. It was like a chocolate crumb cake and very yummy.

DSC02126I got blue hair!

DSC02122I played my exam music as a concert for Granny and Grandad Bob to help me get ready for my exam next week.


Grandad Dennis the cupcake

I painted Grandad Dennis to look like a cupcake but Mummy thought her looked more like a pantomime Dame!


Extra long fork

I got this cool extra long fork and used it to eat some Chinese noodles. I also tried drinking lemonade with a spoon. I don’t think I will continue with using these new cutlery ideas.


school summer disco!

Today is the school summer disco.  I am going to wear my Chinese dress and sparkly shoes. I am going to eat lots of sweets and popcorn and do lots of dancing!!


Baby Duck!

Today at Brownies I got to cuddle a baby duckling. It was adorable and soft and kept trying to eat me and my clothes with it’s bill all the time!

DSC02089You can just see it’s cute little head peeking out of the blanket. I had to cuddle him in the blanket to keep him warm.

My cat loves ponies!

Actually I think he is very suspicious of them and wants them to move so he can roll about on the carpet.
