
It is halloween!

I am going to a party dressed as a spider and then going to go trick or treating with my friends in the dark!

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Carrot knot

We found these three carrots in a carrot knot today. They have grown all twisted together are are so cool!  I am going to eat them for lunch with my friend who is coming to play today.

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Don’t worry they will be washed properly first.

Stinky maths

Mummy thinks it is lovely that Stinky still likes to snuggle under my arm while I do my morning maths practice.


milk froth


Look at this cool milk froth I made with my straw and milk


Chocolate letter A

Aunty Katrin and Uncle Jon sent me a huge chocolate A! It is from the supermarket in The Hague where I liked going on my holiday bike and looking at Dutch food.

I think t is a kind of traditional Dutch Christmas thing.

I ate the leg bit today and it was very yummy!


I took a photo of Mummy with the big chocolate E that they sent her too.



Today I got to chop up a squid! Look at my inky fingers!


I am wearing a bat headband Granny gave me.

Afterwards I watched a video on youtube with Mummy of someone chopping up a big squid so we could see what all the bits inside were, there were eggs inside the female one!


Today is was very windy here and rained lots too. This is a rainbow that was above my garden.




Mummy got a new onsie that is Spyro the dragon and I decided to see if it fits me and it does! yay! It is really fleecy and warm which is good because today I am ill with a cold and very tired.

It is funny because yesterday evening I completed the Skylanders game Spyro’s Adventure and was very excited about doing it.


Sunflower painting

Today Daddy Robin and I cleaned my painting of Van Gogh’s sunflowers that I did at preschool when I was 3.  We put it into a new frame and it is hanging on the wall in the dining room now!

DSC00635I am more interested in Van Gogh now because he met the 11th Doctor in Doctor Who!


Tonight was Banbury Michealmas Fair. I went after Rainbows (we made blue slime!!!)

I met my friend Daniel and we went on some really big and scary rides. Mummy said she was very worried watching us but we loved them!

I also ate a huge bag of candyfloss and by the time I got home I felt a little bit ill and very tired from being shaken about so much.

I have now been on my first upside down fair ride and it was amazing.