
Grandad Dennis gave me a cool skull and I had to put the teeth into the jaws.


Dr Bunny

Mummy did giving blood today and she got a special badge for doing it 10 times now. My cuddly bunny who is called Lovely got a doctors outfit for Christmas and Mummy let her wear the badge on her white coat. I am going to be a blood donor when I am 18. and I will try and get more badges than Mummy as I will start when I am younger.


Visit to Watford

We went to visit Granny Sally and Grandad Bob. Grandad Bob has a new knee and his whole legs is very swollen. He has 31 staples in his knee!

It is Mummy Emma’s birthday soon so I decorated a cake with Granny. I loved getting to blow the candles out too.

I wrote lots of Christmas cards to my friends ready to given them out at school on Monday.