Today was manic.  We did a big music concert in the church. I got to sing in the choir and play my recorder. Then I got to play guitar too. We played Rockin’ Robin which was hilarious.

After school the musical theatre group did presentation from Oliver the musical. We did some acting and performed 3 of the songs. I had a little solo to do which I enjoyed. We all got to wear ragged clothes and caps and then smelt a bit funny but I liked my outfit.

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The in the evening I had flute lesson number 3. There is lots to remember.

I was sad to go to bed without Stinky though as I could not find him. After I fell asleep Mummy found him and put him in my bed where I found him in the morning! I had forgotten that I hid him under a seat cushion but Mummy tracked him down. She said she was worried he had found his way in to the washing machine and that would have been a real disaster!