The bridge is flooded again!

The road into Barford is flooded again. I went with Matthew and Jonny to jump in the water. The 4×4 cars can still go through and we finally got one man to go through fast and splash us which was brilliant!




puddles after Rainbows


Mummy and I went to see the flooded river at the footpath bridge after Rainbows and found a good puddle for me too.


Ballet puddle

There is a huge puddle outside ballet class. I got soaked before my ballet class!


Footpath flooded

I went out on my bike again and found the footpath over the river is flooded too. On the way home I found a cool big stick.


Awesome Barford floods

The flood water was very, very deep at the bridge in to Barford St. Michael. I went out on my lovely blue bike with Mummy and found puddles to jump in and then I went jumping in the flood water.



Lots of rain here today

I went out to jump in puddles and ride my scooter through them too. I got soaked and came home to warm up by the fire.

Me and my scooter nearly going swimming Big puddles in Barford