canals in Banbury

For my homework I had to learn about the canal in Banbury. Mummy let me take photos with her camera and then I stuck them onto my plan.


Amazing soft play place

Today Jemima came to play all day. We played Rapuzles daughters in the morning and then we went in Elizabeth’s car to an amazing soft play place called Snakes and Ladders. We had great fun together and when we were tired Elizabeth’s mummy taught us to make loom band bracelets. It was quite tricky to start with but good fun.


When we got home Jemima and I played Ferby weddings again and did some dancing.


Today my cousins William, Leah, Lauren and Toby came to play at Granny’s house. We went to Oxhey park and William span us very fast on the spinny round with and on the zip wire.


Mummy surprised me by taking me to Aylesbury swimming pool. We played there for 2 and a half house and mummy was really tired but i was not. Then we drove to Granny’s house and we stayed over night. When we got to Granny’s house we went into the church and Granny’s friend Roger showed me how the church organ works. It was really interesting as the organ can make so many different noises. You have to play with with your hands and your feet! Afterwards Granny’s friend Margaret gave me two pieces of yummy cake.

5k run

Today I did the Four Farms Challenge 5k run in Deddington.  I ran with my Mummy. It was very very hot! I tipped water over my head to cool me down. I got a cool medal and t shirt at the end. Mummy got a running bag and socks but I think they are better off belonging to me! It was a long way to run and I was very tired afterwards but I am really proud I did the run.

This is me all excited before the run.DSC06481

This is just after the 4k marker and heading for the finish.

DSC06488This is me at the end with an ice cream and a drink of water!
