school council!

Today I got picked to be on the school council! I am so happy! I get to wear this yellow badge everyday and it says school council on it.  There are two people picked from each class and we get to represent our class and help organise fun things to do.


my carrots!

Today I dug up some of my carrots. Here they are with their leaves.


There are purple ones, orange ones and yellow ones.


Here they are on my plate for supper. They were yummy!


I have got millions of them because I planted all the seeds in the packet because Mummy told me to plant some but she didn’t say not to plant them all!

Today I started gardening club at school. We learn about garden tools and we got to taste some vegetables grown last year. I think I will take some of my carrots to share next week.

geode! geodude!

This is a geode. It was made inside a volcano where there was an air bubble. I got to crack it open with a hammer and see inside. It has been sealed up for millions of years!


It was very pretty inside with lots of quartz crystals.


I am taking a geode to school so we can crack it open with my class friends because one of our topics is rocks.

Today I cycled up the really big hill for the first time. It was easy, my blue bike is the best.

In the afternoon I helped Mummy paint the playhouse my friends gave me.  We have got to fix the roof next but it looks loads better now it is painted. Ferdy liked sitting on the roof while we painted and he sharpened his claws on the roof.

I got to wear mummy’s tractor suit because I am too big for my blue on now. It helps keep my clothes clean and not painty.


Ride and Stride

Today I did ride and stride with my friends. We had to cycle from church to church and eat biscuits at each of the churches yum! The best church was Hempton church as they gave me chocolate cake (2 pieces!)

We cycles 10 miles and got to play in the playground too.

We scared Lizzie’s mum because we put blackberry juice on Lizzie’s knee and her mum thought she had fallen off her bike!

My first Morning Glory

This is my first Morning Glory flower. I grew this plant from a seed and it has huge blue flowers!


year 3 homework

This is my first year 3 homework. We had to design a mascot for our class. This is Super Speedy and his sidekick WaxWorm man.

I put a felt cape on Super Speedy so you can lift the cape up and see Super Speedys super hero pants!



This morning I made apple and blackberry crumble with Mummy.

I got to use the really sharp knife to cut up the apples.


Mummy told me that her dog Odie used to like to sprinkle the crumble mixture on top of the apples when she was little so I helped him do that. It is funny and he liked getting to do it again. Mummy made me laugh because when dogs sprinkle something it normally means they are weeing on it! I had to hold onto his ears so they would not get all covered in crumble.


I let Stinky sprinkle the crumble too and he did not wee on it either!


Lovely Speedy

Today my friend Elizabeth came to play after school. We had lots of fun and made essence of bread potion in the bathroom.

After Lizzie went home I read a book to Speedy.


First day in Year 3

Today was my first day in year 3. It is brilliant. I got to wear my new shiny school shoes. I missed the bus home after school because I was chatting too much!
