geode! geodude!

This is a geode. It was made inside a volcano where there was an air bubble. I got to crack it open with a hammer and see inside. It has been sealed up for millions of years!


It was very pretty inside with lots of quartz crystals.


I am taking a geode to school so we can crack it open with my class friends because one of our topics is rocks.

Today I cycled up the really big hill for the first time. It was easy, my blue bike is the best.

In the afternoon I helped Mummy paint the playhouse my friends gave me.  We have got to fix the roof next but it looks loads better now it is painted. Ferdy liked sitting on the roof while we painted and he sharpened his claws on the roof.

I got to wear mummy’s tractor suit because I am too big for my blue on now. It helps keep my clothes clean and not painty.
