Avebury stone circle

This morning Mummy drove me to Avebury. It was a long way but it was OK because we listened to the music from Matilda very loudly all the way there.

Grandad Dennis had stayed over night after our visit to London yesterday and I played with him in the morning while Mummy packed all our camping things into the car.

Avenbury is a neolithic stone circle and it is huge.  The village of Avebury is inside the stone circle!  around the stone circle is a deep ditch that would have been all white with chalk in the past. Outside the ditch is a high bank that is made of the chalk dug out from the ditch.  Now the back has got grass growing all over it but you can see the chalk through the mud and grass.  Mummy and I walked up the bank and walked all around the bank to see the whole stone circle site. Lots of the stones are missing now as it is so old. In the past lots of the stones were removed or buried as people though god would be cross as they are not for worshipping him. One man died in the 14 century when one of the stones being pushed over to be buried fell on him. Archaeologists found his body and from the things in his pockets they think he was a barber.  People stopped pushing the stones over then as they were scared it would happen again!

The stones at Avebury as so huge! They are also very cool because you can touch them and climb on some of them where they have fallen over.

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An archaeologist there said that they have looked at the soil under the stones and can tell from the soil when the stones were put there but seeing when the soil last saw sunlight.

There was a cool museum there too all about the neolithic places nearby and things that have been found there.

The stones are Sarsen stones like the big stones at Stonehenge. Mummy said about a mile away is a field where there are loads of sarsen stones lying about that were probably dropped there by a glacier in ice age times. She wanted to take me to see them but we ran out of time as we spent too long looking at the stone circle and the museum. Stoneage people probably moved the Avebury stones from a place like that in the past.


Matilda day!!!!

Today we went to see Matilda in London. It was epic!!!

Mummy said this is me being a commuter on the underground


We went to Covent Garden which was a market place in the past. Now people do little shows there and there are shops. We saw this amazing man painted all silver who was pretending to be a statue. He just hung in the air with his hand on a spade. If you put money in his tin he moved a bit and then went all still again.

DSC01352We went to Wagamamas for lunch which was yummy and we saw a string quintet (5 people) playing and they played the music Mummy is learning on her violin. They were really funny and very good and did dancing while they played.



There was a whole shop of just Moomin things at Covent Garden.  I bought a badge for my badge collection and met this huge Moomin!

I bought this beautiful chinese dress from a real Chinese lady and I bought a suit that is dark blue with a Chinese dragon on it.


Then we went to see Matilda. It was amazing. Really funny and brilliant singing too. I loved it!


There are little blackboards there you can write on too so I wrote this.


If people are mean to you Matilda found out it was Ok to be a little bit naughty to them. This is me and Grandad Dennis being a little bit naughty

DSC01365I was sad the show ended as it was so amazing


fun day!

Today I went to Aylesbury swimming pool as a surprise with Mummy and Grandad Dennis. Granny Sally met us there and she brought Lauren too! We had lots of fun and did millions of laps of the lazy river.



Afterwards we went to Grannys house and Lauren drew poo on my face which was hilarious and she did this cool hair style too.



Today Daniel came to play. He bought his cool red plastic trombone. He can play it really well and I enjoyed having a go too.


We got all muddy playing in the garden too.

Hot water bottle to the rescue

This is what you have to do when the heater in my fish tank stops working!


Luckily we had just bought a big hot water bottle for keeping us warm on our stonehenge camping trip.