Today we went to see Matilda in London. It was epic!!!

Mummy said this is me being a commuter on the underground


We went to Covent Garden which was a market place in the past. Now people do little shows there and there are shops. We saw this amazing man painted all silver who was pretending to be a statue. He just hung in the air with his hand on a spade. If you put money in his tin he moved a bit and then went all still again.

DSC01352We went to Wagamamas for lunch which was yummy and we saw a string quintet (5 people) playing and they played the music Mummy is learning on her violin. They were really funny and very good and did dancing while they played.



There was a whole shop of just Moomin things at Covent Garden.  I bought a badge for my badge collection and met this huge Moomin!

I bought this beautiful chinese dress from a real Chinese lady and I bought a suit that is dark blue with a Chinese dragon on it.


Then we went to see Matilda. It was amazing. Really funny and brilliant singing too. I loved it!


There are little blackboards there you can write on too so I wrote this.


If people are mean to you Matilda found out it was Ok to be a little bit naughty to them. This is me and Grandad Dennis being a little bit naughty

DSC01365I was sad the show ended as it was so amazing
