Comma butterflies

This year I have got some Comma butterflies to raise. Last year I has Peacock ones and the year before I had Tortoiseshell ones.  Comma butterflies are brown with with interesting shaped wings.

The caterpillars are very small at the moment so I have to use a paintbrush to move them onto the new stinging nettle leaves that they eat. The internet said that they look like bird poos as camouflage but I do no think they do look like poos yet!

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my cat

This is my cat Ferdy. He is very big and lazy but is lovely to cuddle.

DSC06400He is no good at pouncing on things.

I got my Gold award

Today I got my gold certificate at school. You get this when you get 50 house points. I have got to work really hard now to get the platinum one at 75 house points before the end of year 2. My toe is pointing to it.


little froggy!

After school I found a cute little frog in the garden. He was really hard to hold as he was very jumpy. Here he is escaping from my hands as Mummy tried to take his photo!

DSC06384I put him in a tub so I could have a god look at him and then put him into the pond.


My tree observation point!

I have a new observation point in the Damson trees! It is very cool. I did some drawing of what I could see from up high and I liked reading my How To Train Your Dragon book up there too!

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Today there was a thunderstorm. I was up in my tree so I had to come inside to stay dry and not get hit by lightning. Mummy took in the washing quickly. I decided that I did not want to stay dry so I went back outside. Lots of water was rushing out of the roof gutter so I stood under it. It was not very cold and I got very wet. Mummy made me have a bath afterwards as she said I smelt really bad.

DSC06378Mummy stayed inside the house and took this photo of me.

Egg hunt day

Today is Easter Sunday which means we can hunt for Easter eggs at Granny’s house. We got to Granny’s house early so went to the park while Granny and Grandad Bob were still at church. I conquered the conker again and had fun at the outside gym and playground.  Mummy had her trainers this time so we ran in the park without hurting her legs this time.

DSC06350We did hunting for eggs in Granny’s garden. I hid the eggs in really difficult places and covered them with leaves so Granny could not find hers without the help from me and a stick!

DSC06351 DSC06354After lunch we had to catch syrup from the bathroom window into our pudding bowls. I was hard and I liked to noise the syrup made when I missed catching it and it plopped on the patio. Grandad Bob helped me to catch the syrup.



Massive egg!

My chickens gave me a special Easter egg. I don’t know which one it was, out of  Clara or Mrs. Crumplefeathers.

In the photo I have got a normal egg from them and today’s special giant one. I am looking forward to eating it as my neighbour John said it will have two yolks and he knows about it as he is a chicken expert.

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Sunny cat

Ferdy loves lying about in the sunshine and when he is hot he likes me to rub his tummy.



Today I had a Mackerel. They are Toothless the Dragon’s favourite fish. I was allowed a really sharp knife and I cut off it’s head and tail and chopped out the guts. Mummy cut his head in half so I could see the brain which was really cool. It was yummy to eat after it was grilled.  Toothless calls Haddock ‘Stinkfish’ but I like Haddock to eat too.
