Today is Easter Sunday which means we can hunt for Easter eggs at Granny’s house. We got to Granny’s house early so went to the park while Granny and Grandad Bob were still at church. I conquered the conker again and had fun at the outside gym and playground.  Mummy had her trainers this time so we ran in the park without hurting her legs this time.

DSC06350We did hunting for eggs in Granny’s garden. I hid the eggs in really difficult places and covered them with leaves so Granny could not find hers without the help from me and a stick!

DSC06351 DSC06354After lunch we had to catch syrup from the bathroom window into our pudding bowls. I was hard and I liked to noise the syrup made when I missed catching it and it plopped on the patio. Grandad Bob helped me to catch the syrup.
