
Today I went to see Rio 2 at the cinema with Elizabeth. It was great and very funny. Afterwards Elizabeth came to play at my house and she fell in the pond and got very wet and muddy. Mummy had to shower her and she borrowed my dry clothes.

I found a picture of Kermit on the cinema door!


pants day

Today I decided to wear two pairs of pants. It was very comfortable!


bucket bath

I got really muddy jumping in puddles I made on the grass. I had a bucket bath in the garden. I just about fit into the bucket!

It was a bit windy so I made a wind proof version of my bucket bath with another bucket on my head.

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swimming in my clothes

Today I got to try swimming in my clothes at my swimming class. I chose to wear my pyjamas. It was hard to swim in clothes.

Here I am ready to go to my swimming class in my pyjamas. I am making a friendship bracelet for my friend and I think it looks like a jellyfish at the moment!



Mummy and I tried skiing today. It was really hard but good fun. At the end of the lesson I got to do sledging.  Mummy did some good falling over and got snow down her pants! I got to go really far up the slope on a snow travelator thing and the teacher helped me ski down. He did skiing backwards and helped my skis into the correct place. Mummy did not get to go so far up the slope as me.

We went to the Snozone in Milton Keynes. Mummy was a bit scared of driving there but she was brave.

Here I am getting ready with my stripy skis and I am excited.


Lovely Bunny’s new dress

Today Mummy and I made Lovely a new dress. I designed it. Mummy cut the fabric out for me and taught me to use the sewing machine. I sewed the flowers together and then sewed them on to the dress.

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Shiny things!

We went to the Museum of London to see the Cheapside Hoard. There were so many amazing shiny things. Outside there was a giant model of the jewelled lizard. The real one was very small but very shiny and beautiful.

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We pretended we were an old fashioned rich lady in this portrait wearing our jewels. Mummy said I looked far too smiley in my portrait!

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breakfast at Granny’s

Cocopops with squirty cream on! Followed by home made croissants. Now that is breakfast at Granny’s!



Penny Farthing

We found a real Penny Farthing bicycle in London and Mummy was wearing her Penny Farthing love t shirt! Luckily it was locked up so Mummy could not ride off on it.

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No swimming

I was very sad as Aylesbury swimming pool was shut when we got there. Mummy took me to Tring natural history museum instead.

I got to make a cool snappy snake.

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I learned all about Taxidermy and saw some cool animals.

Giant Anteater’s mouths are hilarious!


I liked getting to see how sharks eyes worked.

We found a white dodo!
