Outdoor gym

In Oxhey park there is a new outdoor gym. I loved it. I made Mummy run all round the park until her legs were hurting. I was too fast for her because I was wearing my fast blue trainers.

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Grandad Bob is a good swing pusher!


Conquering the Conker

There is a cool new giant conker in Oxhey park so I climbed it.


Amazing Den

Grandad Dennis made this amazing den!
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clean doll’s house

Grandad Dennis came to play all day and he helped me to clean my doll’s house. We put little sample carpets down in each room to make it all cosy.

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Speedy’s rubbish shed

Speedy did not do a very good job of shedding his skin so we had to help him with some damp cotton wool. He looked like he was wearing a vail while we were peeling it off!


I love sunny weather

I love it when it is warm, I love the monkey bars after school at the park!

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greedy chickens

we let the chickens out in the vegetable garden and they stuffed themselves on worms from the big pile of mud Mummy had removed all the weed roots from. Mummy told them off as we want the worms to help the vegetables grow. Look how full Mrs Crumplefeathers crop is. It is stuffed full of worms!


new swimsuit

I have outgrown my swim suit so I chose this one. It is so cool and flowery and ruffly around the edges. I did lots of running around the garden in it after school.
