
Today Mummy and I made the marshmallows kit that I had for my birthday. They needed lots and lots of whisking but look at this!

DSC02158Is that the biggest marshmallow ever!

I did not really bite it. I cut out some shapes.


and tied this one up with sweet laces


scarecrow day

Today was scarecrow day in my village.  I made a scarecrow of Stampy Cat from Minecraft.

Here he is before judging in the rain!


I was really hoping he won a second rosette as I have already got a first, third and special from the last scarecrow days.

And guess what! he got second!! yay!! Now I have got a set of rosettes!

DSC02153It rained all day and my fox onesie is all wet but Stampy did look cool wearing it.

Mummy and I went for a walk to see all the other scarecrows in the village and we played pooh sticks on the new bridge too. Mummy beat me sometimes with a pooh leaf which are not really allowed