Today the Deddington school choir went to St Mary’s church in Banbury. It s a cool big church. We met with 7 other school choirs. Each school got to sing 2 songs and then we all sang 3 songs together. We were raising money for a new school to be built in Africa.

We did practising after school and then Mummy took me to Pizza express. Loads of my friends were there too as it is really near to the church. We just had time to eat and finish my icecream pudding and we had to rush back to the church for the show.

I was super excited before going on stage. We sang a hymn and the did a musical theatre dancing and singing the song Naughty from Matilda.  It finished really late and I was very tired and thirst at the end. i found it very hard to get to sleep as I was still so excited.