Today I got to go on a girls only sports camp at the Iffley Road track in Oxford.  This is the running track where Roger Bannister ran the first less than 4 minute mile.

I went with my friends on a coach from Deddington.  It was a brilliant fun day but I was very tired afterwards. We got to be on TV and best of all we met Victoria Pendleton and she was really funny.  We got to ask her questions. She organised the camp for girls to learn about all sorts of sports.  I liked playing dodge ball best. It was really supposed to be for girls aged 8 to 14 but because I am so nearly 8 I was still allowed to go thankfully!

In this photo I am near the middle of the picture and at the back with my hand up as high as it will go to ask my question to Victoria Pendleton.  I am wearing my light purple London 2012 t shirt and my multicoloured hair band.
