Today the doctor diagnosed my as having Hypermobility syndrome.  This means the ligaments that hold my bones together are too flexible.  This means I am super bendy but it also means that my body has to work really hard to keep me straight and so I get very achy and painful all the time. This is why my legs ache lots and this week has been making my knees and hips lots ache too.  It makes it hard for me to stand up and stand still and it makes me clumsy and have accidents.

I am happy that I know what is wrong with me now and why I find running painful. The doctor says I need to do stretching, yoga and other exercises to make me stronger and my ligaments stronger so it hurts less but cannot make it go away. Mummy is sad I will be in pain all the time but I am tough!

Mummy found on the internet that this is why writing hurts my hands so much too and she is getting wider pencils to help it not hurt me so much. I am hoping this works because I don’t like writing at all.