my pet peanut butter

I have decided to keep this jar of peanut butter as a pet.  I tried peanut butter today and I liked it but this new jar is not for being eaten.

My cat Ferdy is helping to guard it in my bed from peanut butter eating people.



Today Granny Sally and Grandad Bob came to visit.  It is Granny’s birthday and we made her a flower cake with yummy fruit on it and rice paper flowers.

I did a jigsaw with Grandad Bob. He is amazing a doing jigsaws.


I am a goth

I painted my face to be a goth!

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funny flute playing

Today I tried playing my flute with Stinky under my arm. He likes to be the but I cannot hold my flute properly with him there so he will have to sit on the sofa and watch me.


I can play the flute OK lying down and it sounds great!


Fair trade choir

Today my school choir sang two songs at the Fair Trade Fiesta in Banbury. I really enjoyed it.  Mummy also took me to Clares and I got some new hair bands, one of them is shiney sillver!