Dancing swirl queen

After school I did lots of swirly dancing in my favourite dress and with my scarf.


I made sausage rolls

After school Mummy and I made sausage rolls with puff pastry, they were yummy.

made sausage rolls


Today my friend Elizabeth came for the day. We spent 3 hours rushing about in Rugrats and then played Poly Pockets by the fire at home and cuddled Ferdy lots too.

After Elizabeth went home I learned how to play Solitaire with my new Furby.


GoGo game

I have invented a new game to play with the GoGos. Spent ages setting them all up on the board but I am not sure of the rules yet!



Today I helped put the Christmas decorations away. Here is a bunch of grapes, oh no, baubles!


Meccano guitar

Aunty Sarah gave me some Meccano for Christmas. Here us my cool blue guitar that I have made.


Ice sculptures

Mummy and I went to see some ice sculptures in Hyde Park. They were amazing and there was a huge ice castle to explore too. I went in the ice stocks and had brilliant fun sliding all over the ice bed in the castle prison cell.

DSC05546 DSC05526 ice sculptures DSC05509


Florence Nightingale

Mummy took me to see the Florence Nightingale museum today in London. It was really good as there were lots of little spy holes to look into and see pictures about her.  There were headphones to listen to. There were lots of things to read.  I learned loads about Florence Nightingale and I especially liked that she used to collect stones, flowers, snake skins and other little bits of interest just like me! Here is a picture of her famous lamp and me drawing it.

Florence Nightingale's lampDSC05470 DSC05460 DSC05459

Lots of rain here today

I went out to jump in puddles and ride my scooter through them too. I got soaked and came home to warm up by the fire.

Me and my scooter nearly going swimming Big puddles in Barford