I went on the bus with Mummy and Grandad Dennis to Birmingham to visit Nanny Barnes in hospital.

Mummy showed me around Birmingham University which is next to the hospital.

On the bus Mummy said I looked like a regular commuter.


On the bus Grandad Dennis made a steering wheel out of an old newspaper and pretended to drive the bus, he is bonkers.


It was very funny because on the way home we got on exactly the same bus and his steering wheel was still there!


Mummy showed me the Biosciences building where she studies and the bike rack where she locked up her bike everyday!

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We found this carving with the University motto in Latin “Per ardua ad alta” which means “Through efforts to high things”


I got to see the old University buildings and “Old Joe” the clock tower (in the rain)

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We went into the Geology museum at the University to look at fossils and the cool trilobite fossil Mummy loved when she was at the university. I also saw the leg of an Allosaurus which is much bigger than my leg.

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Afterwards I went to see Nanny Barnes. I was a bit scared of the hospital wards first, especially as Nanny Barnes was asleep and snoring when we first got there. After a while I got used to it all and had a good time drawing a picture for Nanny Barnes and playing games with her. I also gave her a lambs tail I had made from daisies.