The bridge is flooded again!

The road into Barford is flooded again. I went with Matthew and Jonny to jump in the water. The 4×4 cars can still go through and we finally got one man to go through fast and splash us which was brilliant!




puddles after Rainbows


Mummy and I went to see the flooded river at the footpath bridge after Rainbows and found a good puddle for me too.


Ballet puddle

There is a huge puddle outside ballet class. I got soaked before my ballet class!


Victorian Museum

We went on a school trip to St. John’s museum in Warwick. We got to dress up as Victorians and haveĀ  a lesson in a Victorian classroom. I had to write on a slate with chalk with my right hand as children were not allowed to be left handed in Victorian times! We had to march outside in our Victorian school uniforms to get our daily exercise. We got to dress up as Victorian soldiers too. I liked the mangle and really wanted to try it out. My Nanny Barnes used to use a mangle to do her washing!

I tried out a beautiful Victorian parasol and necklace.


Footpath flooded

I went out on my bike again and found the footpath over the river is flooded too. On the way home I found a cool big stick.


The only safe way to eat grapefruit

Wear googles!


Awesome Barford floods

The flood water was very, very deep at the bridge in to Barford St. Michael. I went out on my lovely blue bike with Mummy and found puddles to jump in and then I went jumping in the flood water.



Furby wedding

Jemima came to play after school and we helped the Furbys do their wedding. We also made a rose arch for them and helped them doing dancing.



Grandad Dennis gave me a cool skull and I had to put the teeth into the jaws.


The colosseum!

We found this cool model of the colosseum.

