I had been looking forward to today for ages. Me and three of my school friends spent the day at Tudor Hall learning to play in an orchestra!

At the end of the day we played three pieces of music for our parents.  Mummy said there were about 80 children in our orchestra.  Deddington school have never been before and it was an epic day.

I decided to play my recorder because when I said I would go I did not know many notes on the flute.  I enjoyed playing my recorder with my friends. We played with part of the oboe.  Our teacher came with us and helped us count our rest bars.

We played La Rejouissance from the Handel Firework music, a compilation from the Holzt Planet Suit and a Gavotte.

This is us from Deddington school playing

Orchestral Day 28th April 2015 016

This is our orchestra


Tudor Hall school was amazing and they gave us orange sherbet jelly at lunchtime!

We worked really hard to learn all the music and how to play together but I loved it and we sounded great.