After we went to see Avebury stone circle we went to see Silbury Hill and West Kennet Longbarrow.


Silbury hill is a huge hill that was made by stoneage people. No one really knows why it was made be people think someone used to stand on top to talk to the other people.  The top of the hill is flat and there is a moat all around it too.

DSC01384This is a picture of Silbury Hill in the background. We had started our walk to the long barrow in this picture.

This is my dowsing stick. You usually use a dowsing stick to find water but I am using mine to find the long barrow!

DSC01385West Kennet Longbarrow is really big. There are no skeletons inside there now but archaeologist did find lots there during an excavation. Mummy got very excited because we could go inside it. It was very dark but amazing.  There were huge flat rocks to make the roof and then it was covered with chalk. There are ditches down each side where the chalk was dug from.


This is the front with the huge stones guarding the entrance.DSC01394

We walked all the way to the end of the long barrow. The people that made it moved loads of chalk!DSC01387

This is inside the biggest burial chamber. It was spooky.