pancake day

I was feeling really ill after meeting Cressida Cowell but this sign helped me feel better as I love pancakes.



Mummy bought me an ice cream. It was really cold weather but it helped my sore throat feel better

Meeting Cressida Cowell!!!

Today I went to the Oxford Literary festival.  I was feeling really ill with a bad cough but I had to go as I was going to meet Cressida Cowell and she is the lady who writes the How To Train Your Dragon books!

This is meet about to leave to go to Oxford with my two toy dragons. I did not take my huge green Mummy Dragon. She stayed at home to guard my bed!


We went to the Sheldonian Theatre in Oxford. My dragons liked the park and ride bus trip. The Sheldonian is very old and has amazing painting on the ceiling.  I got to see Cressida Cowell talking about her life and about writing the books. She also drew a picture while she was talking. She showed us the front cover of book 12 which is a secret and is being released in September. She read us the first bit of the new book!!  I got picked to ask her a question and I asked which was her favourite dragon book.

Afterwards she signed one of my books. She also drew a picture of Toothless the dragon inside the book and put the hero mark stamp there too.


I was really tired but my special book is now in my dragon shrine with my dragons Uncle Jon and Aunty Katrin sent me.