Egyptian Day!

Today is Egyptian day in my class. We have to go dressed as an ancient Egyptian. I am dressed up as Bastet the cat goddess.

DSC01694I have got a black tail too but you can’t see it in the picture.  That is my toy Bastet when she is in cat form that I got at the British Museum last year and I have got my golden Ankh I got at the Ashmolean years and years ago!


Mummy gets to come to school later to see our Egyptian dance and to look around our museum filled with artefacts we made. My one is a sistrum which was an ancient instrument that people shook like a rattle. It was used at ceremonies to honour Bastet.


DSC01695It is going to be a hilarious day!

I got to be a gangster

After school we did our musical theatre club show to parents. We did some stuff from Bugsy Malone so we were all gangsters. I was Fizzy. We had custard pies in faces too which was hilarious.

This is me in my gangster outfit
