I am bendy

Today the doctor diagnosed my as having Hypermobility syndrome.  This means the ligaments that hold my bones together are too flexible.  This means I am super bendy but it also means that my body has to work really hard to keep me straight and so I get very achy and painful all the time. This is why my legs ache lots and this week has been making my knees and hips lots ache too.  It makes it hard for me to stand up and stand still and it makes me clumsy and have accidents.

I am happy that I know what is wrong with me now and why I find running painful. The doctor says I need to do stretching, yoga and other exercises to make me stronger and my ligaments stronger so it hurts less but cannot make it go away. Mummy is sad I will be in pain all the time but I am tough!

Mummy found on the internet that this is why writing hurts my hands so much too and she is getting wider pencils to help it not hurt me so much. I am hoping this works because I don’t like writing at all.

my cat is chilling on the window ledge


baby violin

Mummy got me a baby violin.  It is really called a half size violin.  She has been teaching me for a week and today we played a duet together!  It has a cool red case to keep is safe.  It is good because it uses the same written music notes I already know so I just have to learn where they are on the violin with my fingers.


fun in the sunshine

Today was really sunny.  My friend came round to play and we played on the water slide and had bucket baths too!

Fast slide


Faster slide!


Bucket bath with bubbles


my pet peanut butter

I have decided to keep this jar of peanut butter as a pet.  I tried peanut butter today and I liked it but this new jar is not for being eaten.

My cat Ferdy is helping to guard it in my bed from peanut butter eating people.



Today Granny Sally and Grandad Bob came to visit.  It is Granny’s birthday and we made her a flower cake with yummy fruit on it and rice paper flowers.

I did a jigsaw with Grandad Bob. He is amazing a doing jigsaws.


I am a goth

I painted my face to be a goth!

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funny flute playing

Today I tried playing my flute with Stinky under my arm. He likes to be the but I cannot hold my flute properly with him there so he will have to sit on the sofa and watch me.


I can play the flute OK lying down and it sounds great!


Fair trade choir

Today my school choir sang two songs at the Fair Trade Fiesta in Banbury. I really enjoyed it.  Mummy also took me to Clares and I got some new hair bands, one of them is shiney sillver!

Orchestra Day!

I had been looking forward to today for ages. Me and three of my school friends spent the day at Tudor Hall learning to play in an orchestra!

At the end of the day we played three pieces of music for our parents.  Mummy said there were about 80 children in our orchestra.  Deddington school have never been before and it was an epic day.

I decided to play my recorder because when I said I would go I did not know many notes on the flute.  I enjoyed playing my recorder with my friends. We played with part of the oboe.  Our teacher came with us and helped us count our rest bars.

We played La Rejouissance from the Handel Firework music, a compilation from the Holzt Planet Suit and a Gavotte.

This is us from Deddington school playing

Orchestral Day 28th April 2015 016

This is our orchestra


Tudor Hall school was amazing and they gave us orange sherbet jelly at lunchtime!

We worked really hard to learn all the music and how to play together but I loved it and we sounded great.